Voici les raisons exactes de son incroyable Toupé. Nous prendre pour des ignorants idiot stupide, juste bons à lui donner notre argent il se imagine quon est comme lui cest-à-dire un abruti je devine dès quelle partie du monde il est où il sest approprié comme ils souhaitent sapproprier notre argent, il simagine que tout le ray permis et tu parles passer un peu tout leur pardonner même nous voiler et nous mentir à fin que nous dérober par des mensonges lautre argent. Je nai absolument rien qui soit à lencontre de la liberté dexpression mais je suis contre la mail puis la Sion de lexpression a faim de loup dérobés par des Manson Notre argent durement gagné et pour sa part juste volé voici les conclusions de plus dune cinquantaine de personnes.
Hello I found your application there are already several months but I see it on the iPhone works well but as regards an iPad as you know without a doubt that application is not adequate with W for example iPad iPad 2 air or older fichage your application to the hand that all applications for iPhone that is placed on a shelf the size is not adequate and more the appearance of the function is not really over nice I had hoped for several months of waiting you have done the necessary, but I find that this is not the case either with news 7th, 8th and 9 you have made no effort to rectify the situation j conclude that being is one and only interest Nexus helps make the minimum money online maximum effort from you in my home and in my relationships we are fifty to have the same opinion I was appointed by my friends and family to let you know that we are very disappointed not absolutely intend to smash a feeling for someone who absolutely do my friends no effort deduce that if you have made any effort as your competition it must come from your incompetence Ground glad of profit for this message will be broadcast on all social networking sites known and recognized with the references of your application and your name in order to inform the public of your intentions to you I do not know if I need you wish a good day but do not have the same education you I hope these few words will give you to think for a better future and understanding and understanding of your customers if you want that you be faithful to thank you in advance please try to put yourself in the place of all those who paid hoping to have a proper application to the iPad as shown in the Apple Store that is wrong is displayed a small app for iPhone so it is not a ipad app I thank you also inform Apple